Taoism: A Perfect Combination of Religion & Nature
One who knows other people is wise. One who knows himself is enlightened. To overcome others is strong. To overcome oneself is the will of power. One who is contented is rich. One who is determined has the strength of will. Those who embrace their true nature shall long live. He who is enlightened with the original nature, Although dies physically, is eternally united with the everlasting Tao. ( Tao Te Ching, Chapter 33)
The tale started at 500 BC. There was a naturalism theory in old china. This naturalism theory is the base of the newly developed philosophy of life and that is Taoism. In the beginning, Taoism was only some believing in certain people of a certain area of old china. Taoism become as an institutional religion during the period of Tao Kingdom (618–907). Emperor Suang Cu (712–756) took Taoism forward by imposing some rules. He imposed a law; he made it mandatory to keep Taoism books in every house of the citizen. Later on, several centuries’ people of China obeyed this law with respect.
At present, five different traditions are recognized by the government of china- Taoism is one of them. Taoism is based on a basic theory of let you go through the flow of nature. In simple words, the universe is a perfect balance in itself. The ultimate power Tao is responsible for each aspect of life; life-death, ups, and downs. To drive oneself through the ultimate balance is the center thought point of Taoism.
Laoju was the prime speaker of Taoism. He was the caretaker of the great library of the ancient Chu region of China; he was a believer in naturalism. Laoju lived a very simple life which made the peoples call him an old –child. He believed that each element in the universe is agitated by a balanced natural power. He believed in the wellness of all, not the wellness of an individual. Laoju became hopeless to see all the dishonesty, corruption, and discrimination made by the government as well as by countrymen. Some details regarding these can be found in Sima Chian ( 145–86 BC).
2nd and 3rd century BC- hundreds of countries were fighting with each other. The philosophy was based on naturalism. In this point of view, there are 5 basic elements to create the universe and those are- Fire, Soil, Water, Wood, and metal. All together these were call U- Shing or great root. And to drive the universe there was En-Young and Chi. All these concepts worked to build the base of Taoism. Though, Robinet detected four basic theories that are present in Taoism.
1. In Tao the philosophic statements like Ching and Chuang Ji
2. The method of a happy life
3. Tries of eternal life.
4. Enigma and Tantra.
( Taoism: Growth of a religion, Page-25)
The political history of China started from the East Coast. In that time small countries were bonding together as well as the cultures were spreading. In the 2nd century BC, there was a faction named Thianshi. Thianshi master Zhang Daoling claimed that Laoju appeared to him. Slowly, Thianshi got official recognition from King Chao Chao, it was around 216 AD. And Laoju is entitled as a heavenly man.
During the Han Dynasty (206–220) all the statements of Taoism were collected and gathered together. Taoism got an institutional status. That time Shu was the center of Taoism. In the beginning period, the followers chose monasticism to perform Tao. That time they were not interested in the religion. The monastic life of Master Chuang Ji is proof. After Chuang Ji passed away, Taoism was gaining more maturity. Also at that time, the rules of Tao were published in an organized way.
Before the 17th century, several times Taoism got state patronage. An individual named Yang Si received a heavenly massage (364–370). That was the time of the Shang Chi revolution formation. As a faction of Taoism, Shang Chi the progress of the Shang Chi revolution was amazing. Shang Chi people got recognized at the time of the Tang dynasty (618–908). The emperor claimed that the greatest Laoju is their ancestor. At the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth century, Ko Cao Fu establishes another Tao faction named Ling Pao. Between 960 to 1279; during the Chong dynasty This faction ( Ling Pao) became very powerful and popular.
With the passes of time, Taoism becomes divided into two parts; one is Chuang Che Taoism and Cheng EE Taoism. In the twelfth century, Chuang Che was established. Then around two centuries, it was spread widely. And after the establishment of the Uhan dynasty, Chuang Che Taoism became the most important Taoism concept. The great conqueror Chengish Khan also was fond of Taoist concept and people. Around the 17th century, Buddism and The confusious theory became more popular and Taoism lacked behind.
In Taoism, the effect of In Yang concept is quite powerful. Here, it is said as an effect because In Yang theory is older. According to Chinese mythology, the formation of In Yang happened to explain the creation of the universe. Yin and Yang; two old superpowers. The relations between Ein and Yang creates the universe and the life flaw. Also, there was a controller named Chi. The universe always going through the changing. What is today exists, later it will destroy. That’s why in nature, everything is happening through Chi in between Yin and Yang. It is a different trinity outside of Christian trinity. The balance of life is explained through Yin and Yang. Man-Woman, Light- Dark, active-inactive everything is Chi, Yin, and Yang.
Depending on the belief there are three different gods found in Taoism. Eu Ching or respected creator, Shang Ching or respected carrier, Thai Ching or respected wise man. First-person is the center of all creation. The creation is done by him. Along with this, he is the writer of the old religious book. The act of Shang Ching is like a messenger. He comes to a goddess and human with a heavenly massage. Often, he is symbolized with a scepter like a mushroom. The third one is the full avatar holding fan. These three gods are symbolized as three powers- The power of creation, the power of life, and the spiritual power.
In Taoism, every human being is good from inside. The goodness needs to extract out by defeating the bad. Anyone can be brought up as a kind person if he got proper training and lesson. It is possible to raise himself according to nature. The whole theme is similar to western philosopher Epictateous and marks Orelas`s logos theory. Humans cannot be bad. To realize the situation makes a human bad. Happy and neutral life means the capacity to compromise. To take all the situations and changes easily.
The origin of sorrow is not to adapt to the change of the universe. Taoism is the path of surrender. It is to surrender an individual`s desire to the universe’s destiny. It is a total waste to establish your wish in the middle of the balance of the universe. True saints do everything by doing nothing. It is called e- wayu or do everything by doing nothing. In Taoism, it is known as Chi-Ren or Chu-Chan. Human is the smaller version of the universe. in other words, the universe is the large whole body. This particular process of understanding the universe made Taoism popular in ancient China.
The rituals of the Taoism are to understand nature. Rituals are also standing upon the visible world and the understanding of the symbols. Though Buddhism and Confucianism, theory have a great effect on the concept of Tao. Each festival and mantras are to be observed very carefully. The festivals perform in the presence of grand masters. The rituals are to give respect to the ancestor`s village, city, and associations. The grand master calls the ancient successful spiritual entities while burning perfumed woods or corpus in the fir. In the rituals and festivals, the preconditions of every step are sanctity. The common daily life places are transformed into holy places by gathering of the gods and spirits.
Laoju was born as the goddess of the trinity. People pray to Laoju also. Different branches of Taoism had adopted different gods. All the Gods are related to several elements of the universe. Earlier animals and fruits were sacrificed to God. Master Chang Taoling did not even reject the sacrifice but also he took steps against the sacrificial gurus and temples. At present, it is forbidden to sacrifice animals in the temple.
On special days, rallies are organized. People enjoy fireworks, flowers, and singing traditional songs. Lion dance, dragon dance also other main attractions of the festival.
Tao Ta Ching is considered as the main and holy book in Taoism. It is not like a book of religion but the guidance of life stated as some poem. The book Tao Ta Ching means the book of virtue and the right path. The guidance to live a simple and happy life in every sector of life; personal, social, and institutional life. The main focus of the book is to flow with nature. Tao Ta Ching is analyzed in different languages at different times. There is another book name Chuang Ji, it is a collection of information from various sources. In Chuang Ji, the first seven chapters are written by Chuang Ji, and the rest part is written by the students and the same mentality peoples. The main discussion of this book is to prepare an individual to balance with the rules and regulations of nature.
The is another book named E-Ching (1150 BC). This book also considers as a sacred book in Taoism. Tao Chang also should mention here. It is divided into three parts. These are Chen, Shuan, and Shen meaning is truth, mystery, and heavenly. Excluding those; various advice and proverbs are also found in Taoism.
En-Yang is the symbol of Taoism. Two opposite power is related together. In China and Taiwan, the roof of the temples is decorated with colored dragons and phoenix which are made of porcelain. They have symbolized En and Yang. In China, 13% of people claim themselves as Taoists in the 2010 census. Taoism is also found in Brazil. Taoism establishes simplicity and relation to nature. Not only china but also the culture of Korea, Japan, and Vietnam is influenced by Taoism.